- Check-in
Guests are checked-in based on previously made reservation. Payment for the stay booked at reservation is effectuated upon check-in with cash or credit card. Should you expect late check- in please let us know.
- Check-in and check-out time
Guests may check in from 15.00 on the arrival day and check out by 11.00 on the last day of their stay. In case of an early arrival or late departure we offer to store luggage. To find out about our policy and special offers regarding late check-out please contact the reception desk.
- Housekeeping
House keeping is performed daily (exceptions may apply). Towels are exchanged on demand.
- Cancellations
Reservations can be cancelled free of charge no later than 7 days before the arrival time. After this date a cancellation fee of 30% of the total cost will apply. The amount due will be charged to the credit card presented during reservation-making process.
- Smoking and pets
Smoking is not allowed in guest rooms and in public areas. Penalty charge for detected smoking is 500 PLN. Pets are welcome. Please enquire the reception desk upon making reservation or give us a call if you are going to make a reservation via website about charges applicable for the stay of your pet. Pet owners are responsible for the behavior and safety of the animal. The animal may not interfere with other guests’ comfort and security. All damage to property caused by an animal will be repaired at the cost of its owner.
- Guests responsibility
Our guests are expected to follow the rules of appropriate conduct and observe social norms, such as quiet hours from 22.00 till 6.00, mutual safety and respectful treatment of the hotel property. Should any damage to property be discovered during guest’s stay at the hotel or after departure, the hotel holds the right to repair or replace the damaged item at the guest’s expense by charging the amount to the card presented during reservation-making process. Guest will be informed about damage being discovered and the cost of reparation or replacement beforehand.
- Hotel Responsibility
Villa Antonina Sopot is not responsible for any valuables owned by guests stying at the hotel unless they have been handed over for deposit.
- Personal data processing
In accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data we would like to inform that your personal data will be administered by Villa Antonina Sopot, Obroncow Westerplatte Street 36A, 81-706 Sopot, registered at Company Register of National Court Register operated by District Court Gdansk- Polnoc in Gdansk, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, NIP 5241278633,REGON 140362683. Should you wish to receive any information regarding personal data processing and our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact the reception desk.